Library Rules & Regulation
- All students & staff members of the college are entitled to become members of the library. Students must apply for membership in the prescribed form obtainable from the Librarian. Membership forms will be issued on production of college fee Receipt.
- The working hours are between 9.30a.m and 6.00p.m Issue-Return time will be 9.45a.m to 5.45p.m as per the book lending timetable. Students must produce their Identity Card whenever they visit the library.
- While entering the library premises, every member must register their names in Library Software kept at the entrance of the library. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) can be used to minimize the search time for your book of interest.
- Keep your personal belongings such as bags, books etc. in the property counter. Do not keep any valuables such as cash, mobile phones, ATM cards etc. in the counter.Institute will not be responsible for loss of any valuables.
- All library books should be handled with due care. Members should not mark, write on or disfigure the books in any way.
- Students and Staff can recommend or suggest the books required in the library through a prescribed format.
- Maintain Silence in Library
- Keep your Cell phone switched off within library premises.
- Per student 2 books will be issued for a period of 15 days and for teaching staff 20 books will be issued for semester and 20 books for non-teaching staff. The defaulters will be charged fine of Rs.1/-per day.
- Books issued to a member will not be transferred in the name of any other members account.
- Periodicals are to be referred within the library and back issues will be issued with prior permission
- I-Card may be replaced with the permission from the principal on payment of Rs. 200/-.
- Library membership may be suspended for any violation of the rules and regulation
Rules For Circulation
- Library is Accessible to Bonafide students and staff of the College.
- Library is open from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm on all working days.
- Library observes Open Access System.
- Students shall produce their Identity card.
- Books will be issued as per the Circulation Timetable.
- Handle the books carefully while browsing /consulting them.
- Periodicals, Reference books, and rare books will not be issued except in the Special case with the prior permission of the Librarian
- While borrowing, student should check the book for missing pages if any or any other damages. He / She should bring it immediately to the notice of the Librarian / Library staff.
- All books taken by the reader for consultation in the Library should be returned to the counter assistant before leaving the Library.
- Do not mark or fold any pages of the Library –book.
- An issued book must be returned within ten days otherwise an overdue fine of Rs. 1.00 per day per book will be charged.
- Library-books damaged by the student shall pay its cost
- Books may be renewed, if not in demand and at the discretion of the Librarian.
- No part of Library reading material shall be photo-copied, without permission of Librarian
Rules for Digital Library
- Internet facility is available to all Bonafide students and staff of the Engineering College.
- Students and staff should enter his/her name in the logbook for access to the digital library.
- Internet is for academic purpose only.
- External devices like pen drive, CDs are not allowed in the Digital Library.